Linda Vista Adventist
Elementary School
Returning Student Re-Enrollment
Linda Vista is currently enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year. Based on current enrollment and application trends, we are expecting to waitlist multiple classrooms. Your child's spot is reserved until June 1st, at which point it will be open to the general application process.
Enrollment Steps for Returning Students (View Enrollment Checklist):
Make sure your prior year's balance is paid in full
Complete and submit the Re-Enrollment Packet
Pay the enrollment fees of $450/$500 ($50 early re-enrollment discount if enrollment fees are paid in full by June 1, 2023)
Before the first day of school:
Submit the Consent to Treatment Form (with a wet signature)
Submit a physician's examination and your child's vaccination records (7th grade only)
Pay the graduation fee (if applicable), technology fee, and first month’s tuition prior to the first day of school.